Thank you for filling out this form to provide helpful information to Linda Wheeler. Also, you get to make decisions about what personal information to release to the other students in your class.
I have registered for the following class:
Enter your name exactly as you wish it to appear on your certificate:
Do you have a nickname/what do you wish to be called?
Do you have specific pronouns you identify with? If so, what are they?
Enter your complete mailing address
Enter an email address:
Enter phone number
If this is a hybrid class, how will you attend?
I heard about Linda's class from:
In order for Linda to provide inclusive prayers and class content, what do you consider your religious or spiritual orientation to be? (All spiritual/religious paths are honored)
Class Photos - Linda may take a class photo. I agree for Linda to post it on her student Facebook group and possibly other marketing avenues. If you decline, please switch off your video during the photo if this is an online class.
Linda shares the class roster after class so that you may contact each other for practice. Typically this is only your name and e-mail. If there is any info you DON'T want shared, please comment in the box below.
Linda sometimes uses client and student comments on her website and for marketing purposes. She only uses initials, or first name and last initial. Does she have permission to use your comments?
For Animal Reiki class only: Do you have any animals available for practice during class? If so, how many and what type of animals?
Anything you would like to share with Linda before class starts?